Monday 21 September 2009

Audience Research Results


The questionnaire that I had put together have resulted as a random sample, meaning there is not an equal amount of representation of gender and age. Here is a sample of my questionnaire.

I have opened my questionnaire by introducing the participants of what I wish to gather from them. It also gives them the type of questions they could expect from this questionnaire. This is as I have named the genre of the teaser trailer that wish to produce as my production work.

Question one and two, give personal details about the participants. I am able to find out their age, which will help me create a potential target audience.

Looking at question three, I have gone into finding out the characteristics of my audience. What type of media printout they tend to look at. This question particularly focuses on the printout for my production work, the magazine front cover and the poster, both of which are promotional techniques that will used to advertise my film.

Question four will help me focus on the techniques and conventions of a psychological horror, as it will help me to keep my audience engaged. I have also left space for them to explain themselves.

Question five, gives the participants the chance to explain themselves further. It also allows me to know what my potential target audience will be looking for when watching a horror trailer.

Question six expands on knowing more about the characteristics of my audience. I am then able to understand what habits they have, and to see if they are similar to other participants. this allows me to have a more clear potential audience.

Question seven allows me to calculate what source of technology is the most popular out the ones that have been mentioned. If cinema, or t.v, or Internet are the most selected, it means that the participants are surrounded by promotional materials to advertise other films.

In question eight i have asked what are the top three horror films that they have particularly enjoyed. this will help towards my research on teaser trailers, and analysing material. it will also show if there any similarities in the participants chosen film.

Question nine is to help me personally when deciding a story line for my potential audience. I want to produce something that will attract my audience and will engage them.

Questionnaire Results

Here are my results, for a few of the questions. I have used bar graphs and pie charts to show the outcome.

Above is my results for question one. This graph above shows the total number of participants that took part in my questionnaire. The majority of the people were female (12), in total there were 21 participants.

Above is a bar chart to show my results for question two. the majority of my participants were aged 18 and 15. However my target audience will range from 15 - 20 years of age.

Above is a bar chart showing the results for question seven of my questionnaire. They were allowed to pick more than one, however the one with the most votes is cinema, following after DVD, and then the Internet. Looking at this data the most votes go to cinema, which keeps the participants surrounded by advertisement of new releases.
Theses are the reasons to why the participants ticked them as their answer
for question eight i asked the participants to list their top three horror films that they particulary enjoyed. the most listed were Saw, Hide and Seek, The Grudge, The Unborn, Final Destination and finally Scream.

Looking at all of the posters for the film, the colours that are mostly used are black and white. Most of them have extreme close -ups of faces. The name of the film however is in a smaller print and is not at the top of the page, they have been places in the middle and the bottem of the posters.

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