Monday 19 October 2009

Final Breif

Brief - Film promotion

Main product – Teaser trailer

Ancillary product 1 – Film poster

Ancillary product 2 – Magazine cover

Genre of main product – Psychological horror

Target audienceDemographic: young female adults, teenagers aged 15-20 years. Psychographic: audience who find the genre horror appealing, and also teenage troubles. Lifestyle: people who are sociable and who like the fear and terror that comes from watching a horror movie.

Similar media products – IT, Mirrors, Hide and Seek, Signs, The Ring and The Blair Witch Project

Justification for choice of brief - The genre horror is becoming popular, due to the development in technology through special effects, gives horror films a more realistic. There have been many successful horror films, such as Saw, Final Destination and The Grudge, Hide and Seek, The Unborn and Scream, were particularly popular with my target audience. A recent horror film, Drag Me to Hell, has been very successful and has had many people talking about it. For my teaser trailer I want the keep the audience engaged by using typical conventions of a horror film, as I want to keep my audience in suspense.

Representational issues – After looking at many trailers, I have decided to use stereotypical representations of the characters in my teaser trailer. Using teenagers will give my trailer a more pragmatic effect. I will be using a girl that has an innocent look, to hide the fact that she is playing a negative role in the trailer. This way my audience will be kept engaged as they will be trying to find out who is playing the “bad person” role, at the end is when they will be surprised to find out who it was.

Narrative – After looking at many trailers I have noticed that they mostly use a non-linear narrative; this may be because it keeps the audience engaged, and questions are running through their minds. This use of portraying the narrative is an effective convention in teaser trailers. I will not be changing this as it keeps the audience in confusion.

Creativity – Throughout my research on teaser trailers they have relied mostly on images to tell the narrative of the film. I would like to portray my narrative in a similar way, as I have found it to be the most effective in teaser trailers. I want my teaser trailer to play with the audiences mind, making them believe in something that could happen to them. I will do this by creating a more realistic trailer, poster and magazine cover. The most effective I feel will be the magazine cover, as the main actor will be photographed and talking about her “sweet dreams”. Therefore I will be using typical conventions to interest my audience.

Challenges anticipated – During filming I have to focus on the composition of the shot, having meaningful objects in the shot to create the narrative. I will also have to make do with the actors, as they are going to have to make it seem realistic. Through the use of editing, I will be able to add transitions to create a more fearful narrative and look for the audience.

Digital technology –For ongoing research I will be using the internet to help with the production work, by looking at existing products. While shooting I will be using a camera and a tripod. When editing I will be using imovieHD on the Mac computers. Later on with research I will be using YouTube, and social networking site like facebook to help complete my evaluation.

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