Monday 19 October 2009


"Sweet Dreams"

Tina is going back for revenge. Tina was a girl who was not known as one of the "popular girls" in school, she was constantly picked on and bullied by these three people; Amanda White (Sophie), Alisha Wilson (Georgia) and Priya Chopra (Huma). They all would be together at all times nothing could separate them. Tina would so badly wish this was all a terrible dream, and things would be like she imaged them to be just like a fairytale. But everyone knows life isn't like a fairytale.

Being an only child, and being uncared for by her parents, wasn't really helping her, she needed to have someone or something that could help take the pain away. To comfort herself she would burn red roses, as the pain of not being accepted and loved by the people around her would burn away.

She goes back to torture them the same way they did, but in a more painful way. One by one they will be taut a lesson. But she only finds out that it was a dream.

"its just a dream . . . what harm could it do"

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