Saturday 19 December 2009

Rough Cut - Teaser Trailer

Overall the sequencing of shots works pretty well, especially the last shot. The sound that accompanies this shot also helps to create suspense and to build up tension, as the girl appears to give a sinister character.
However throughout the teaser the trailer the sound does not accompany the moving images as supposed to a horror trailer. To improve this is would either use more sound affects to create a sense of thrill building up throughout the trailer, or to use a sound track that creates suspense and tension.
The moving images do speed up however the sound is what creates the thrill effect. Therefore to improve it would appropiate to add more sound effects to increase the tension, to follow the images.

Final Magazine

Final Poster

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Plan For the Day

Where I am at so far and What needs to be done.

Trailer - One scene needs to be filmed. Re-editing of what I have already done, as the shots are too long. Then I need to add sound effects, which will be completed after adding the titles.

Poster - Photo has been put on the poster, with the background and the name of the film. I just need to add the credits at the bottom of the poster.

Magazine - Photo has been placed on the cover, with the masthead, and a few teasers. I have add a few more, and may have to change the background colour.

Period 1 - Filming
Period 2,3,4 - Importing and editing of clips
Period 5 - Complete poster
Period 6 - Complete magazine

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Testing Music With Clips

The last few shots are small clips which increase the tension to add to this, I added a music clip that increases the tension and suspense. The last shot is hand held, which creates an uneven effect between the way in which the character is represented, and how the hand held effect subverts this view.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Poster Steps

To start of with, I took a photo which I want my audience to focus on. As it would give a hint of the narrative as well as the text that has been used.

I used the magic brush tool to erase the background of the photo, as I wanted to create a floating/hovering effect. This was to suggests her loneliness, and her being drifted away in here dreams. Below is the final image that will be used on the poster.

I then created another page. The size of it is A3 with a white background. I dragged the image of the bed into this paper and placed at the bottom. This was because I wanted to create a black halo around her. To do this I used the halo gradient tool. I changed the settings so that it said foreground to transparent. Below is the outcome of using the gradient tool.

I then added the text to the poster. after completing. there were many things missing, as it looked very empty. Therefore I looked back at my the poster research and sub genre I noticed that were many things missing.

I have changed a few things from the photo above. These include the style/colour of text, and positioning of others, and also many other add-on's.

I have changed the style of the text "Sweet Dreams", the colour is yellow so that it stands out on the black background. I have added the stars names on the top of the poster, they are not in any order therefore one has the same attention as the other three.

Under the photo I put the credits which is reoccurring on many other posters. I also noticed that the they are in different fonts, the job title and the name of the person is in different text.

The certificate is also added in the bottom right corner of the poster. This is so that it appeals to the right target audience.

Magazine Steps

Here is a step by step on how I completed my magazine front cover. Below are print screen to show the steps at which I took.

Here are the layers showing the order in which it needed to be placed so that everything could be seen. This was done in the reverse in which a person would put together a magazine. For example the background is the first thing that needs to be done so that everything else can be placed on top of it. Therefore this layer is at the end on the list.

Before started with the magazine itself, I had to use the eraser tool to get remove the uneven background. Below is a print screen showing how the tool works.

Once this was finished, it led to the step of the print screens below.

The first steps that I took were to get my canvas size. Looking at the image in the left it shows the sizes in inches, the width being 8.267 and the height being 11.693, making it an A4 size paper.

This then followed by adding the grid lines, which helped when printing. These are the blue lines on the canvas. This was done by pulling out from the rule's on either side.

The image was then copied onto the canvas as a layer.
I then added another layer, which was a white background, as shown above.

I then added to title of the magazine. The font that I used was Aral, bold and size 36pt. I used the colour pink, as it is colour coded with the scarf that she wearing. The title has been placed behind the image, this is because it is a magazine that will well-known by the audience. I have named the magazine CONFIDANTE. This is because is reflects the audience's lifestyle and personality. A definition of the word = A woman character in a drama or fiction, such as a trusted friend or servant, who serves as a device for revealing the inner thoughts or intentions of a main character.

I have then added more text the cover. One of them being the website and the month of issue, the main cover line "Rashmeet tells the truth about her sweet dreams". I have also added many other coverlines that would makes the magazine more appealing to the target group.
In this image above I had added more cover lines with a bar code, and changed the background colour to a sea blue, and the title is now orange. This is because the colours are complimentary. The price of the magazine has also been added. I have priced it at £2. This is an affordable price for a monthly magazine especially during the recession time that people are been effected by.