Monday 11 January 2010

Evaluation - Part Three

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

To help with my audience feedback, I have uploaded my teaser trailer and both ancillary task to my Facebook account. This has allowed me to get feedback from my target audience, by looking at their comments on what they thought about the teaser trailer, and if they found it appealing.

Below are some of the comments that I received from the audience. Some also made suggestions on what I could change or add to make it more appealing and more relevant to the genre of a psychological horror.

Looking back at my audience research, I feel that I have meant the majority of the target groups expectations.

Below are the results from my feedback questionnaire to find out my audience's overall responses on what they thought about the main product as well as both the ancillary tasks.

Above is a bar graph showing if the audience thought that I have used and challenged the conventions of a psychological horror. Many found that it was successful, as it fulfilled their expectations of the genre. Although there were a few who found that it did not completely fulfill their expectations of a psychological horror.

Most of the targeted audience thought it did work well together. But a few thought it didn't this is because the music was quite repetitive and it did not have any dramatic sound effects. Overall they thought that the images itself did cause suspense and increase tension for the viewers.

Looking at the bar chart above, it shows if my audience thought the film was well promoted through the different media text; being a poster and a magazine front cover. Majority of the applicants thought the combination was well used, and advertised the film well to its targeted audience.
From the content and layout of my poster, the applicants thought the genre was very clear and easy to understand. This is due to the programme that I used to construct my poster, Adobe Photoshop CS3. The target audience found that the colours used, helped to symbolise the genre that was being represented, therefore the combination worked well.
Most of the applicants thought that if a bigger image/photo was used, the poster would have looked more appealing. But on the other hand the image was small as I wanted to create a sense of discomfort and suspense.
Many of the applicants thought that the magazine was aimed at the right audience though the different techniques that I used on Abode Photoshop CS3. The layout at content went together with the lifestyle of my targeted audience. They also thought that it was an affordable magazine to purchase every monthly issue. This shows that I had kept in mind how much my audience would be wiling to pay for the magazine, as many young adults do not have a job.
My audience would have preferred that I did not go over images with text, but to write around the image. They left that some of the colours used were hard to read over the image. If this was taken into thought, the cover would have been more easy to read.
Most of the applicants thought the use of editing and camera movements throughout the trailer worked well. The use of editing between the shots gave a continuous flow to the narrative. the applicants also thought that the music worked well with the moving images.
Many of the applicants were expecting to hear more sound effects due to the genre; horror. As my trailer was an independent production, I wanted to focus more on the images to increase the viewers tension rather than relying on the sound.

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