Saturday 21 November 2009

Photoshot Review (20/11/09)

As Friday was a 'staff professional day', I had arranged with the photography department to take photos of my sister (Rashmeet) for the magazine front cover. I have taken many photos with which I can then experiment using different effects on photo shop.

Due to the fact that my magazine has targeted teenage women aged 15 - 20 years, I have had to look at similar magazines such as Glamour and Cosmopolitan. From looking at these I have had to look at the composition of the shot. This is more of a mid shot to a long shot, where the audience are able to see more of Rashmeet. Moreover this makes her posture to represent her as open to the audience.

Below are a few examples of some photos that would go on the magazine front cover.

Above is a black and white photo. This is an example of a photo that I will not be able to use, this is because of the position. There is a lot of space at the top of the image, and a black and white photo will not look appealing to the targeted audience, they would be attracted to bright colours, therefore a colour picture would be more suitable. Below are a few example of coloured photos that I could use.

In the photo above, I found that it was more of a closer shot that expected. In this photo, she appears to be a shy and quite girl, which is what I do not want my audience to feel about her characteristic. I want her to have a more frontal posture, with her shoulders open. As this would give a more open personality. I would also have to shot a more mid to long shot, were more of her is to been seen, this would make the audience feel comfortable with her.

In the photo above, her eyes are not open wide and are hard to look at. It is a close shot of her, which made her arm got cut out of the shot. Therefore this image will not be appropriate. Looking closely at her eyes, they seem to looking down at the camera, which is not good. This is because she would not be looking at the audience, it seems as if she is looking at something else.

Throught out the photos that were taken, I think this is an appropiate one to use. This is because it is a mid to long shot, and she is looking straight towards the centre of the camera. This gives is a more focal point to the image, as the viewers will be drawn by looking at her eyes.

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